Bed bugs have been making headlines for infiltrating public transport, hospitals, and even our homes. The mere thought of these minuscule pests can send shivers down your spine. But instead of succumbing to panic, let's delve into practical and measured steps for dealing with them.

Understanding the Bed Bug Predicament

Bed bugs fall under the category of "nuisance pests." While they do not transmit diseases, they are indeed a nuisance to coexist with and to eliminate. Measuring a mere 5-7 millimetres, they have an uncanny ability to stealthily invade homes, often going unnoticed. The real challenge lies in their tenacity; they can survive without a meal for up to six months, usually staying concealed until a full-blown infestation occurs.

Detecting a Bed Bug Infestation

These tiny creatures typically take refuge in fabrics, such as furniture and bedding. However, they can also be found behind pictures, under loose wallpaper, or even on seats in public transport. Due to their diminutive size and nocturnal habits, spotting the bed bugs themselves can be quite challenging. Nevertheless, identifying their presence becomes easier when you know the specific signs to look out for. The NHS lists common indicators of a bed bug infestation, including:

  • Small, itchy bites on exposed skin, such as the face, neck, and arms
  • Blood spots on bedding are often a result of inadvertently squashing the bugs
  • Small brown spots or stains on bedding or furniture.

Resolving Bed Bug Infestations

If your property is infested, then swift action is needed to eliminate the pests. Bed bugs are one of the hardest pests to eradicate, so arranging for a professional pest control company to come in is essential. The battle against bed bugs is most effectively waged through a cooperative effort between homeowners and pest control experts. 

Preventing Bed Bug Infestations

Preventative measures by both yourself and your household are critical to preventing bed bug infestations.

  • Wash bedding and clothes at high temperatures, at least 60°C, and tumble dry on a hot setting for 30 minutes
  • Freeze affected clothes and bedding for a few hours before washing
  • Regularly clean and vacuum, ensuring prompt emptying of the vacuum to prevent bed bugs from escaping
  • Keep the area around your bed clutter-free
  • Inspect all second-hand furniture before introducing it into your home
  • Avoid bringing clothes or luggage inside if they have been in places with known bed bug infestations.

Extra caution is advised if you live in a block of flats where bed bugs can easily spread.

If you are considering selling your home in Larbert, Bonnybridge & Denny and are worried about the concerning rise in bed bug infestations and would like to discuss how we are ensuring that properties are kept safe from bed bugs during viewings, please give us a call on 01324 811 233 or send an email to